Voter Engagement

What you need to know

Go beyond your vote

All members of the campus community are encouraged to vote and stay engaged in the political process. You have many opportunities to interact with elected officials and community organizations and participate in engaging opportunities throughout the year.

You can also get to know your elected officials by signing up for their newsletters and following them on social media. Let them know where you stand on issues by calling, writing or emailing their office and attending their public meetings.  

Some key dates for Indiana and nationwide in 2024 are:

  • Tuesday, May 21 - Monday, October 7: Indiana voter registration for the general election
  • Tuesday, October 8 - Monday, November 4: Early voting in Indiana
  • Thursday, October 24: Last day to request an absentee ballot in Indiana
  • Tuesday, November 5: Election day

Follow @iuijagsvote on Instagram for voter registration opportunities on campus and more. 

Voting on campus

University Library, on the 2nd floor, serves as an election day voting center. All persons registered to vote in Marion County, Indiana, can vote at this site on election day, November 5, between 6 am and 6 pm. Parking validations will be provided for those who need them.

Voter information

Keep in mind that college students may register to vote at one of two places:

  1. The address where they live while attending school
  2. The address where they live while not attending school

In Indiana, persons who will be 18 by the next general or municipal election can register to vote. 

IUPUI student voting in 2020

68.1%student voting rate

79.3 %of registered students voted

65 %of students between 18 and 21 voted

85.9 %of students were registered

41 %of students voted early

12 %more women voted than in 2016

64 %of Black students voted

65 %of Hispanic students voted

15 %more first year students voted than in 2016

See more information about IU Indianapolis student voting in the 2014/20182012/2016 and 2020 National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement reports
Download The Jaguar Way graphic

As members of an institution of higher learning, we must periodically reaffirm the fundamental ethics and values that form the framework for our university. This means fostering a climate of acceptance, mutual respect, academic freedom, and civil discourse.

As a university, IU Indianapolis has the unique opportunity to examine its actions and policies, laying bare how the brutality of systemic racism is translated into higher education’s daily practices, expectations, predictions, decision-making and regulations that target Black and other people of Color.

Read more about IU Indianapolis' anti-racism initiatives

Report an incident of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, bias, uncivil discourse, or any potential concern between members of our community

Where to report concerns