Building Smart Resilient Cities

Working together to strengthen our community

Economic development. A quality education. A thriving arts scene. A healthy environment. Ability to rebound from a disaster. These are all things that go into making a community strong—and issues we tackle through community partnerships.

International Festival

The IU Indianapolis International Festival, hosted by the Office of International Affairs, is an annual event for students, staff, faculty, and the community to celebrate the diversity of cultures on campus and connect to international opportunities and resources.

The festival is free and open to the public.

Learn more about the festival

Spirit and Place Festival

This organization strives to be a catalyst for civic engagement through creative collaborations among the arts, humanities, and religion.

Although its flagship event is the Spirit and Place Festival, it offers programming throughout the year.

Learn more about Spirit and Place

Bringing people together through research and activity

IU Indianapolis Arts and Humanities Institute

The IU Indianapolis Arts and Humanities Institute (IAHI) supports interdisciplinary research projects and creative activities in the arts and humanities.

It seeks to foster relationships with community partners that bring the university and city together, whether that’s by engaging in arts programming or working together on a research project.

Community Engaged Research Group

The Community Engaged Research Group (CERG) was developed by the Office of Community Engagement and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research.

CERG develops, supports and sustains community-engaged research, community-based participatory research and creative activity at IUPUI.

Supporting local communities

Focusing on neighborhoods

Strong communities are built on thriving neighborhoods.

We work with nonprofit organizations and planning committees to develop frameworks and priorities for strengthening our neighborhoods.

Sometimes, that’s by working within community schools. Sometimes that’s by revitalizing a neighborhood through a community center. And often it's by bringing the right partners into the conversation.

Fostering economic development

Strong communities are economically sound communities.

To ensure our neighbors have all the opportunities they deserve, we partner with community organizations and research institutes to create economic growth in our area.

Creating a sustainable campus

At IU Indianapolis, we’re committed to leading the way when it comes to sustainability efforts by putting them into place on our campus. The Office of Sustainability was created to lead those initiatives, and works with various campus departments to lessen campus’s environmental impact and increase campus sustainability.

Learn more about the Office of Sustainability

Preparing communities for disasters

The Polis Center’s expertise in geoinformatics has helped communities across Indiana to develop emergency management plans, hazard risk analysis and multi-hazard mitigation planning.

Learn more about the Polis Center

Help us make our community stronger

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