Fostering Student Achievement

Partnering with the community to nurture student success

Educational opportunity goes hand in hand with economic security.

That’s why we’re so dedicated to working with community partners to foster K–12 student success and make sure everyone in our community has access to the educational opportunities they deserve. Learn more about how we are engaging in K-12 education.

IU Indianapolis is involved on every level. Our campus hosts yearly academic events, offers classes to students in the community, and works with our neighborhood schools to increase opportunity for everyone.

IU Student Success Corps

IU Student Success Corps is a statewide program we run in partnership with six other IU campuses to offer academic support, mentoring, and tutoring to students in grades six through twelve across Indiana.

Services are available online or in person, and are offered free of charge.

Learn more about IU Student Success Corps


IU Indianapolis students serve as tutors in several Indianapolis K–12 schools to help those students thrive academically.

Schools and community centers interested in having onsite tutoring at their facility should contact Latosha Rowley at or 317-278-0914 for more information.

Summer Reading Program

The Summer Reading Program offers five-week workshops for students at a variety of levels—including adults.

Explore the Summer Reading Program

Promoting community schools

We are proponents of the community school model, and work with partners throughout the metropolitan area to bring more of them to our community.

A community school serves as the hub of its neighborhood, providing needed support services for youth, their families, and neighbors—well beyond the end of the school day.

Learn more about community schools

Model United Nations

IU Indianapolis is home to the longest-running high school Model United Nations conference in the country.

Each March, students arrive on campus for a weekend of debate and problem solving. They leave energized and with a new understanding of the complexities of the United Nations.

Learn more about the Model U.N.

Become a partner in fostering student achievement

Find out how you can work with us