- Phone:
- 317-278-2161
- Email:
- noglesby@iu.edu
- Role(s):
- Community Partnerships,
- Department:
- Family, School, and Neighborhood Engagement
- Campus:
777 Indiana Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Nicole Y. Oglesby, MA, serves as Director of P-20 Educational Alliances with Family, School and Neighborhood Engagement, a unit of the Office of Community Engagement. This is a shared position with the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
She is a doctoral student in the Urban Education Studies Program at the IU School of Education, Indianapolis. Nicole has over two decades of experience working in higher education in areas such as pre-college programs, student affairs, multicultural affairs, and community engagement. For over five years, she directed the $2.5 million federally-funded, Martindale Brightwood Alliance for Educational Success (MBAES), a university-assisted community school initiative within the Indianapolis Public School District.
Her research interest includes Black Mothers and other marginalized groups in Higher Education, University Community Partnerships, College Access and Success and Mentoring Programs.